Since first publishing the sensational 4-Hour Workweek in 2007, self-help guru, tech investor and hit podcaster Tim Ferriss has built a brand on being a living, breathing human experiment. Over his years in the lifestyle-design limelight, he’s encouraged followers to eschew the daily grind and “hack” themselves, optimizing mind, body and finances to live more fulfilling lives.

For a recent episode of the Tim Ferriss Show, Ferriss delved into the four books that most influenced and transformed his life and work. From personal prosperity and entrepreneurship to long-term travel, find Ferriss’ fundamental four below. Complement with the book lists of Sam Harris, Joe Rogan, Brené Brown, Malcolm Gladwell and Richard Branson.

The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz

“I still, personally, read the first two chapters of this book whenever doubt creeps in…I find it to be a helpful philosophical and psychological reboot.” -TF

How to Make Millions with Your Ideas: An Entrepreneur’s Guide by Dan S. Kennedy

“This is a menu of options for converting ideas into millions of dollars.” -TF

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber

“If you’ve strayed from the path of systems and rules and processes, this provides an excellent road map, told in parable, for becoming an owner, instead of a constant micro-manager.” -TF

Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel by Rolf Potts

“This is really a philosophical reset. This book helps you to better value time wealth while recognizing the limitations of money as currency.” -TF

(via The Tim Ferriss Show)

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